A standing ovation to Los Angeles authorities for doing it right with this latest dog fight bust. The bad guys were tossed away to three and five year sentences in state prison for 10 counts of felony dogfighting. Story
Their attorney tried to downplay the crime, calling it "a low-grade felony," and rationalizing that "it isn't like selling narcotics to children." ... Because torturing animals is so much more acceptable in the grand scheme of things?
But L.A. Superior Court Judge Bowers pulled out the whoop ass: "It is a felony and it is a serious matter...Mr. Counts, I think to say that you made a bad decision is an understatement."
Good bust, good collection of evidence, good ruling - and no mention of the dogs as evil doers. Instead, five of the 17 dogs were absorbed into local rescues. And you gotta love that photo as an antidote to the evil doings in Texas last week.
Above Lead investigator in the case, Los Angeles Police Officer Susan Brumagin at a press conference. Bless you Susan for reminding us why we should care about these cases.