We've made a commitment to Oklahoma to assist authorities with making decisions for the starving dogs that have captured dog lovers' hearts this holiday season. Hurricane Newkirk.
It's way too soon to say how many can be helped; First, the defendant has to face the judge, and the judge has to agree to release the dogs to rescue. It looks good, but just you never know.
Making sense of these kinds of situations can be very difficult. It's hard to know who's calling the shots and who's able to be on the ground to help with logistics. Hurricane Katrina taught us all that too many cooks in the kitchen can muddy a rescue and sour feelings, causing some to say 'No' to the next batch of animal victims. We can't have that.
But at this time - because this is the giving season - I wanted to give a shout out to Undersheriff Kelly who asked for help, and to all the Oklahomans who've poured their kindness into caring for the dogs while they wait. An Oklahoma-based group is currently providing the logistical support that we'll need to pull this off. We expect to offer up thanks to other orgs that we know are out there, poised to help the dogs, but let's get this thing rolling first.
If do get out there, we promise to do our best to help the most likely candidates for adoption programs. (And did someone say it was c-c-cold in Okahoma? Drat. I guess I gotta get me a winter coat.)
While the country is focused on helping pit bulls, please give generously so more of us can do more of this work. Our current Newsletter outlines ways to donate while you shop. On behalf of the dogs that are counting on all of us, thank you!