Thursday, July 15, 2010

As I was sitting in Starbucks enjoying my venti tazo passion iced tea and reading your guys great blogs, out of the corner of my eye, I see a man emerge.

As I notice him getting closer, I see his lips moving... Is he talking? but he doesn't have a phone? Oh no he is staring right at me... is he talking to ME? But why would he be talking to me? He is in a suit and carrying a briefcase?


Umm, was that to me? He is looking directly at me...?

"Hello?" he says deeper and questioning...

Ok, that for sure had to be for me.... right?

"Hi?" I reply.

"How are you, I am (blank) with (blank)"

" I'm R....." and that's when I realized... that yes, he didn't have a phone, but he was wearing a headset.

and he gave me a look that said, "Oh, you thought I was talking to you... thats so cute..."


WHY do people wear those things? I understand its convenient, but honestly, you walk around looking like an insane person talking to yourself, and not only that, but you get innocent bystanders to believe you're talking to them, resulting in them feeling like an idiot when they realize you're not speaking to them.

(Via google)

Apparently, he WAS looking at me, because 10 minutes after this shameful scenario happened, he swung by my table, dropped off a new venti tazo passion tea with a business card that on the back said: "Call me"

Ya, I'll be sure to give you a call on your little headset, so that we can trick another innocent person into believing you were talking to them. Lemme get right on that. Oh, and thanks for the Tea.


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