Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby Time!

Jake and I have been very blessed when it comes to baby Annabelle:

1. She's adorable! You might THINK every ultrasound looks the same, but no. She's the cutest thing I've ever seen! Not to mention, she plays with her toes in my belly to pass the time. ADORABLE! If only I could play with MY toes to pass the time... ;)

2. They say an active baby is a healthy baby, and let me tell you: She is one active baby!! She wakes me up in the night with her acrobatics! (We're thinking she'll do well in dance)

3. She does tricks! Real life tricks! I could lay on my back all day placing my hand on different parts of my belly and she'll kick wherever my hand is! I love it! Not so fun trick: She likes to bounce on my bladder. A lot.

4. She'll be Ms. Fashion Queen for the first 2 years of her life! AT LEAST! Really - she has more clothes than Jake and I combined! Thanks so so much to our sweet Aunt Jen, our good family friend in Germany, Mindy Hymas, and of course Nana Van Wagoner :) We love you and are so so grateful!

5. With the help of our friend's awesome garage sale, she'll have the poshest room in the house! Where else can you find Pottery Barn for $20? LOVE the garage sales :)

6. We love her. So so much! And just can't WAIT to meet her :)

Here are some other cute things we've gotten for her room:

Our baby will fit into that little spot!

I cannot wait to meet my little Annabelle Sue!


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