Sunday, August 29, 2010

Before we sign up to the FeedBurner blog we have to understand first what is RSS feeds. Feed is a way to register with Google Webmaster Tools because crawder Bot, Google's robots from indexing your site / blog feeds as an intermediary needs. RSS feeds are also useful for those of you who senag collect articles from your favorite websites without having to visit the Web. RSS not only provides benefits for readers, but also for the owner of the website or blog. By registering the URL to the RSS Feed blog will open up opportunities for our blog to be more easily found by internet users.

FeedBurner is a web site service provider to RSS ("Really Simple Syndication") feeds of the most trusted today. And its existence has now been acquired by Google. Then how do we register the blog to FeedBurner? Just follow the steps below:

* Without the basic sliding please stale
* Click on the register on the top menu
* Fill in all provided fom
* If everything is complete, click sign up.
* Will appear welcome greeting from FeedBurner
* Fill the box that appears under the heading Burn a feed right this instant with the URL of your blog. Example:
* Tick on the radio button you want, and click Next
* Change the Title Feed with Feed Address if you want the change, if already just click the Active button Feed
* Will appear conrats greeting, and then click Next
* Check the box next to Clickthroughs and I wont post more! Also PRO FeedBurner stats have tracks
* Click the Next button
* Click the Optimize tab
* Please set according to a pal wanted, but the most important is that we must turn the feature SmartFeed function of the feed so we can be compatible with various feeds.
* Please click SmartFeed then click Active tombil
* Click on the tab Publize, please select the desired feature, but I recommend choosing FeedCount feature, click FeedCount
* Choose a style from FeedCount, the usual or the animation, click the radio beside the existing asbuton
* Click the Active button
* Copy the HTML code provided in the text area, paste into notepad for later posted on the blog
* Click the Chicklet Chooser to select various banner or chicklet
* Tick on the radio button located on each side chicklet, then copy the HTML code that is given in the text area, and then paste it in notepad. note: every buddy mark on their respective radio button chicklet, automatically the HTML code that is in part bawahpun will change, so the conclusion put a radio button then copy the HTML code his mark again then copy the code again.
* Click Pingshot, check the box next to Ping-o-matic as well as Newsgator, click drpdown existing menu, and select a buddy want, click the Add button, click the menu again dropdownnya if you want to add more, click Add again
* Click the Active button
* Click the Headline Animator for the animated banners
* Click on the dropdown menu under the heading Theme, select a buddy like (the most popular is the classic type)
* Click the Active button
* Click on the dropdown menu in addition to writing Add to, select a Blogger Blog
* Click the Next button
* After a pop-up window, click the Add to Blogger
* Please Sign in first to blogger
* Select a blog that would set an animated banner, then click the Add Widget button, automatically animated banner will be added (especially for new templet)
* Done.

Note: If the position of widgets is not according to what you want, can use the manual way by taking the script by selecting the other (just gimme the code) in the dropdown menu above.

Described above are just a few of the facilities provided by FeedBurner. For other facilities such Monetize, Troubleshotize etc, my friend could try it one by one.


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