Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Try!

Well, it's happened. I've been fighting the blogging world, because really - who wants to read about my day-to-day life? I call my sisters when something story-worthy happens, and my mom gets weekly emails! But those emails just aren't hitting the spot - she's been begging me to start a blog since day one! And every time I tell Marie a story, she rolls on the floor laughing whilst telling me: Start a blog!!
(I'm fairly confident I'm only hilarious to her!)

So, I now have a blog! It will be good. I'm not fond of the idea of an online journal, but then again my real-life journal isn't getting the stories either. (And Marie's memory isn't the best...) ;)

Posts that will grace this blog:

- My cooking disasters (Marie's #1 pull for this blog)
- Documenting sweet Annabelle's life
- And well, ours too!
- Jake's senior year at UVU
- My arts & crafts
- My MOM'S beautiful creations
- And I can't think of anything else.

I have a feeling I might get addicted to this... Mal schauen!


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