Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lake Oswego

For Spring Break this year we went and visited our favorite Uncle Jon, Aunt Jen, & co. and it is definitely in our top favorite vacations now! We had such a fun time, (and I got to pick up a lot of new yummy recipes. Jen is incredible! I'll be sure to post some recipes soon.)
It was Annabelle's 2nd time on a plane, and she did great! I always get nervous that she'll scream the whole way, or have a major blowout and I'll have to change her in my lap, but luckily she slept both ways! My little angel baby.

Jon and Jen have 4 adorable kids: Olivia, Molly, Max, and Ian. It was so fun spending the week with them -- I don't think Annabelle's ever gotten so much attention. Thanks for being such loving cousins :)

Top 10 highlights of our trip:
1. Going to H&M!!!! (Heaven on EARTH!)
2. Getting Voodoo Doughnuts. Yum!
3. Eating delicious Mexican food at: Porque No! (Meeting our sweet cousin Abbey!)
4. Strolling through downtown Lake Oswego -- Loved its european feel.
5. Sharing a "chocolate bag" at Jake's.
6. Perusing the Nike Outlet = cute new workout clothes.
7. Admiring Jen's gorgeous house -- I love love loved it.
8. Eating some of the best food I've ever had! (Jen, yes! You're that good.)
9. Learning to love doing laundry ;)
10. Best part of all: Getting to know their sweet family!!

Jake's downtown Portland:

Sweet Abbey holding exhausted Annabelle - she had hit a wall.

Eating @ Porque No!

Yummy Voodoo Doughnuts:

Cute kids:

We loved spending spring break with you -- thanks for being so wonderful. We had such a relaxing week!

We love your family, and can't wait to come back for another visit! (Christmas anyone?!) ... :)


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