Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My First Award

Thought portion- I've been feeling like going to Orlando lately. I have so many great memories there and it's simply one of my favorite places to be. I wouldn't live there though (my parents would say that when I was little begging to move there and I guess that just stuck with me) because well (as they said) It wouldn't seem so magical if I was always there. After long thought and consideration I decided it's true. But I would love to visit again, and again and again. Anyone wanna take a trip with me?? :)) 

I got my first award today. Maybe I should say "an award" instead of "my first award" because who's to say I'll ever get another one. Honestly I wondered if I would ever get just one, and it feels so great that I did. Thank you so much Danielle this means so much to me and thanks to all my followers for reading what I have to say and being there for me. I love all of you.

Award rules
1 - Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award
2 - Share 7 things about yourself
3 - Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4 - Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

Seven things about me
1.) I think about the past more then I should.
2.) Each day it seems I have a new interest. My Interests are limitless.
3.) I'm a college student, still wondering what I want to be.
4.) I live to be beautiful
5.) My family, few close friends, and kitty mean everything to me
6.) There's so much to me then meets the eye. Just saying.
7.) I love blogging, I hope to make long term friendships from this :)

I am giving these awards to;;


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