Monday, April 4, 2011

My birthday weekend was AMAZING. I had SO much fun spending time with Family. I am sad it's over but will remember the moments forever... Enjoy the pictures!

♥ Photo 1: My B-day Cake! My sweet 5 year old niece and my sister made it!
♥ Photo 2: My newest beautiful baby niece.
♥ Photo 3: Myself and sweet new niece
♥ Photo 4: Myself and two nieces
♥ Photo 5: They are aliens!
♥ Photo 6-8: Sedona. He was teaching her to skip rocks!
♥ Photo 9: Getting ready to shoot off a rocket!
♥ Photo 10: First holding her!
♥ Photo 11: Sweet Baby
♥ Photo 12: I can't get over the preciousness!
♥ Photo 13: Family!
♥ Photo 14: Natt, my two nieces, and brother in law.
♥ Photo 15: Oldest sister and Me
♥ Photo 16: Natt, me and my niece. Don't you love the background?!
♥ Photo 17: Natt and I. My eye's are closed, but look at the beautiful setting!


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