Friday, October 9, 2009

I don’t really know what to write about today. The Mavs have their second preseason game of the year, but it is preseason so it doesn’t excite me that much. I will be tuned in though. The Cowboys have a game on Sunday against the Chiefs. That is also not that exciting, but it will be interesting to see how the Cowboys play.

Here is the big news of the day though…wait for it…

After more than a century on the sidelines, golf will return to the Olympics at the Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro. Rugby, last played in 1924, is coming back as well.

Both were reinstated for the 2016 and 2020 Games after a vote Friday by the International Olympic Committee. They are the first sports added since triathlon and taekwondo joined the program for the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

I think this is pretty cool. I’m not a huge fun of rugby, actually, I am not a fan at all, but I would watch the U.S. Rugby team in action. I think it is great that golf is back in the Olympics. I really want to see Tiger win a gold medal.

BallHype: hype it up!


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