Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Monday...

It doesn't matter:
*What time you go to bed, you still have to get to class on time.
*Who says "I love you" first. It's that you feel the same.
*How successful you are. Its happiness that matters.
*What clothes you wear.
*Who's right or whose wrong.

Always Always:
*Kiss your loved ones goodnight
*Tell the truth
*Hold your head up high...There are people who would kill to see you fall.
*Use your manners
*Carry feminine products...ya just NEVER know ;)
*Wear deodorant
*Say your prayers
*Read your scriptures
*Laugh, Smile
*Never let the day pass without telling someone how you feel
*Tell your loved ones you love them

and remember... you can do anything, as long as you try...


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