Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I found this idea off this lovely girls blog and I thought to myself that it seemed like a really great idea for a post.

If you really knew me, you would know...

- I love scary movies. I don't know what it is, but I am obsessed with being frightened. When I was in High School, my best friend and I would sit around thinking of scary things for movies, like what we would do in a certain situation, yeah it's kinda creepy, but if you see a scary movie direct by me some day, you wont think it is then.

- I can make myself cry in a second. No, not by slapping myself or sticking a pen in my eye, I can think of something sad and instantly I have tears. Like full on tears. (It'll be really good when I make that horror film where my best friend gets her head sliced off.)

- I will never be IN that scary film that I wanna make because I am TERRIFIED of being in front of people. I loath public speaking and I pretty much feel really sick every time I have to present anything.

- I walk really fast. I don't do it on purpose, it's out of habit. People get really mad at me because they're trying to have a conversation and they practically have to sprint to keep up with me.

- I have 5 older sisters.

- My Daddy became an Angel when I was 6.

- I HATE when someone ask me how many siblings I have and when I respond, "5 older sisters, no brothers" they reply... "your poor Dad'. It feels like someone ripped my heart out every time.

- In High School, I fell in love with two boys at the same time (don't tell me it's impossible, because it's very possible) They both made me feel very different things when I was with them. I took advantage of this and I ended up losing them both in the long run... Fortunately, it taught me that relationships are not a game and led me to where I am now, but I regret hurting them very much and wish I could take the hurt I caused them back.

-That my goal in life is to make a difference in others lives. I absolutely love hearing that I have changed someone, that I have helped them in any way... Which is why I am in the Psychology field.

-You would know that getting anything in the mail, a card, a box, anything BUT bills makes me jump for joy.

-I'm a little shy at first, but once I feel comfortable, I am really outgoing.

If I really knew you, what would I know? +


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