Wednesday, September 24, 2008

There is nothing wrong with seeing Eva Mendes nude, or with Eva Mendes' nipples, but apparently, some people think there is, and Eva's new ad for Calvin Klein's new fragrance Secret Obsession has been banned from TV

Of course, that's exactly what the marketing guys at Calvin Klein were going for, because how else do you get people to notice your crappy new expensive perfume than by causing a bit of Controversy. WWD has a response from a Calvin Klein rep that pretty much admits it.

"This development is not entirely a surprise for the U.S. market," said Tom Murry, president and chief operating officer of Calvin Klein Inc.

"We believe the commercial is exceptional and hits the mark for Secret Obsession. We will reach our consumers in the U.S. primarily through the Web site, the print campaign and at point of sale. We are anticipating a very successful global launch."
Whatever. The only thing that matters is that Eva Mendes is naked, and we get to see her nipples. Everything else is besides the point.


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