Shelter ramblings ... Too many bouncy dogs in one room makes for a busy two days of musical chairs: Do you like your neighbor now? No? - How 'bout now? .... Ants in the treat dispenser; Damn! ... Trail of blood all down the hallway leads to Ward F. Do I dare look inside? .... Pretty red-brindle girl flinches during ball toss, then belly crawls meekly, asking for comfort. Scribble YES on her paperwork to keep her safe ... Ants in the peanut butter now? Crap. .... Piglet decides playing with Jelly Roll Jones is fine. Good news. They'll sleep well tonight.... Why is Marley back? (The home skipped the part of the directions where dog-intros should go slooow & easy, not fast & crazy. Oops.) ... Scary dog slamming at the kennel door to get to me. Why is he still here? (Oh. His owner is fighting to get him back. Good grief.) ... The nearly-naked rooster flirts shamelessly with the hen. Hasn't he looked in the mirror lately? ... Long legged husky bows and smiles. Let's take a break and give him some time outside. He dances like Fred Astaire. Who lost this wonderful dog? ... Two females surrendered with a "Please dispose of this dog" signature from their owner. One will move to adoption; the other will be euthanized tomorrow...Piglet hides her treats under her kuranda bed ... Newman wags 'Thank you' for his kong ... The laundry is totally done. Amazing ... A terrier mix barks furiously through the fence ... Checking the locks, whispering good night to Ward T, thinking about dinner ... It sure feels like fall this evening.
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volunteering with us to help the dogs. It's an amazing experience and will be one of the hardest jobs you'll ever love.