Lookit this girlie. She gifted us with a happy ending today that, at first appearances, wasn't supposed to happen. If you remember Sophie, she was the severely neglected dog that was slated for a week's compassion hold before we put her to sleep - Eep. We do a certain number of compassion holds for dogs that are too damaged or sick or troubled for adoption, but who otherwise deserve a a little kindness before they go. But thankfully, Sophie was SO messed up that her optimism just seemed to shine out ten times brighter than other dogs, so she found her way like so many other dogs can't.
We flaunted the overbred, one-eyed, fight scarred, longtime chained, emaciated, broken wristed, crooked jawed, balding, cancer-ridden, dentally-challenged Sophie to the media (Hey - What's not to like?) way back when we were trying hard not to talk about the Vick dogs. Reporters weren't nearly impressed. But true hearts were, and today we celebrated a long happy foster-to-adopt period by officially signing her over to her new people today. (We actually could've signed her over months ago, but dang dog duties kept getting in the way....And yes, we know we're shamefully behind on updating the Happy Endings page)
This is the first round of people who saved Sophie - Martha left, and Megan of the Oakland Animal Services. In this age of fad breed overpopulation, they say more good-byes than any human should have to say, so Sophie's return from the dead means a lot. The next in line is BR foster mom Stephanie - shown in the video - who provided a respite when we thought she was going to die with us (Stephanie knew better from Hour One).
And next is Teresa and Ted and their pit bull Bubba, who shouted 'Mine Mine!' when they first spotted Sophie here on this blog. Twelve year old Sophie has a happy home with these folks and they consider themselves lucky to have her in their lives. Bless you, people. We need more of you on this planet, pronto.
Har-Har A few people have commented on Harley from yesterday's blog. Yep, the bully gods sure had a sweet tooth for handsome dogs when they brewed up this likable fellow. Here's a little video of him being predictably adorkable. GOOF