If you’ve been following the Michael Vick story, you know BAD RAP Pit bull, Ted, his foster family Christine and Rob, and their young son Sam. Early on, Sam called this big white dog Teddles and Ted Baby. The names stuck.
I have the pleasure of seeing and working with Ted in my weekly Canine Good Citizen (CGC) class. He’s in his new home now, adoption pending, with his person Cindy. Ted just missed passing his CGC test last month because he’s afraid of trains and loud noises. As luck would have it, this test site was a stones throw from Amtrak and freight train tracks. In the middle of his CGC test, a train roared by and Ted, completely distracted, couldn’t recover fast enough to get back to work. Cindy was understandably disappointed. 
In the weeks since though, Cindy has started to wait in happy anticipation for the train. As soon as that train blasts its obnoxious horn, Cindy whips out a favorite tug toy and Ted gets to play "watch me” and tug games. Just the other day as the train screamed by, Cindy and Ted tugged together.
Ted had forgetten all about that train while he happily focused on Cindy and his games.
I felt a big smile spread across my face. You’ve come a long way (Ted) Baby!