Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mavs Must be Active

Well, most people heard about the “big” trade yesterday that sent Richardson Jefferson to the Spurs in exchange for Bruce Bowen, Kurt Thomas, and Fabricio Oberto. PANIC TIME!!!

It amazes me that San Antonio is able to retool every offseason. No matter what happens to them, they solidify a nice draft pick, make a good trade, or sign a free agent. It never fails!!

Some people seem to think that this trade won’t have that big of an impact. Well, you are totally wrong. Richard Jefferson hasn’t missed a game in two years and he is a 20 point per game guy. Plus, the Spurs have Gregg Popovich. He is a great coach that will be able to put Jefferson in the right positions.

So, what does this mean for the Mavs? We know they can’t get Richard Jefferson anymore, and the #5 pick has been traded to Minnesota, so what does Dallas do now?

I think this forces Mark Cubans hand. He knows he cannot bring this same team back again because fans will be outraged. He just saw the Mavs main rivals get a lot better and catapult themselves back to the top of the Western Conference. He has to make a move.

Eddie Sefko of the Dallas Morning News outlined some ideas here.

If Detroit is shopping Tayshaun Prince or Rip Hamilton the Mavs need to be all over that. Same goes for Rondo in Boston. Chuck Cooperstein also had a nice trade idea that had the Mavs sending Stackhouse and Damp to Charlotte for Emeka Okafor and Raja Bell or Vladimir Radmanovic.

I don’t know what the Mavs are going to do, but I do know they have to do something.


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