Thursday, May 20, 2010

I have an issue with new Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov. My issues is not with him buying the Nets franchise, my issue is with all the nonsense this guy have been spouting out of his mouth since he was approved by the league.

"How fast can we build a championship team? If everything goes as planned, I expect us to be in the playoffs next season and [win a] championship in one year minimum, and maximum in five years," said Prokhorov, approved May 11 as majority owner of the Nets.

He said he plans to tell free agents that "the excitement is with the Nets.

Yes Mr. Prokhorov, that sounds all fine and dandy, but it really isn’t that easy.

NBA Championships aren’t easy to come by. I know Prokhorov has more money than Mark Cuban, but Cuban is a billionaire and still hasn’t been able to win a championship. It doesn’t matter if you have one billion or twenty billion, there is a limit to how much you can actually pay out in salary. It isn’t like Mikhail Prokhorov can spend $5 billion on player salaries. There is a salary cap in the NBA…at some point you can only offer up so much.

Plus, look at the Cleveland Cavalier. They have one of the two best players in the NBA and still couldn’t win a title.

I will give the guy props if he actually gets the Nets a championship in the next five years, but I just don’t see it happening. It takes a good team with a good coach, timing, and luck to win a championship in the NBA. It isn’t all about money. This guy is making it sound like it will just be a walk in the park and he is in for a rude awakening.


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