Friday, September 24, 2010

Chip Brown a Liar?

I am not sure why this is being brought up now, or what exactly Chip Brown is trying to prove, but according to Coach Patterson, Chip Brown is a liar.

Chip Brown, the writer who took center stage nationally during the Big 12 expansion apocalypse, sent out the following tweet Thursday afternoon regarding the current head coaches at Texas A&M and TCU:

"Texas A&M fans would rather have Mike Sherman or Gary Patterson? You could have had Patterson. That's a fact."

Gary Patterson was then asked about Chip Brown’s tweet by the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram

"That's a lie. Nobody at Texas A&M ever contacted me. ... He's a liar. It's just like the Kansas State job."

Chip Brown then came back with this on twitter

And this…

I am not sure what Chip Brown is trying to prove, or why he even brought this up. It seems he is taking his opinion and stating it as a fact. I don’t really have any further comment on all of this, just passing it along. I tend to side with Gary Patterson though.


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