Wednesday, September 1, 2010

R.I.P. to BYU Football

Angry Trey will be handling today’s funeral service in memory of the BYU Football Team. Thank you, thank you, you may all be seated. Let’s bow our heads for a moment of silence.

It is always sad to see someone take their own life, but sometimes being second or third best in your own conference is too much to take. While other non-BCS schools were actually going to BCS games, Brigham Young fell into a deep, dark depression. Utah leaving for the Pac-10 was the straw that finally broke the camel’s back. The school in Provo just couldn’t take it anymore. Once BYU realized they would get run up by TCU and Boise State year in and year out, they started to think crazy things. All the signs were there, but nobody could stop them from football suicide. Only if one of their friends had spoken up, or called somebody, we wouldn’t be sitting here in this position today.

Now though, now it’s time to move on. BYU will go on to a land of BYU-TV, and ESPN games on Tuesday and Wednesday night. It amazes me that an institution such as that would look at Versus and CBS-College Sports as hard to find on the TV guide, but thinks people are just going to flock to BYU-TV. Somebody raise their hand if they had heard of BYU-TV before last week? Anybody? Ok, moving on…

It really is great that you scheduled those games with the University of Texas, but what nobody is talking about is the fact that after that game, you will have a murderer’s row of Utah State, Idaho, Hawaii, Weber State, ITT Technical Institute and so on… I know I will be flocking to my TV set for that much anticipated Idaho vs. BYU matchup. Whoooooo!!!!

There is nothing more to be said or done. Brigham Young University sealed their own fate with this move, and after TCU wipes the floor with them once again on October 16th, they will never be heard from again.


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