Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Morning Musume's 2009 Spring Concert DVD was released today!

I just watched the opening and first 2 songs (SONGS and Naichau Kamo). Good so far! JunJun & LinLin got solo lines in the first song! I also noticed they tied up all of Takahashi Ai's bangs! Maybe it's so that her super sweatyness will be less noticeable? XD
Oh, and when they began lighting the stage... During the first few moments when the steps lit up in rainbow colours was very reminiscent of Mario Kart's Rainbow Road!

Here's the clip I just watched:
Morning Musume - 2009 Spring Concert pt1

You can watch the rest of the concert on jedimastertrunks4's channel, amongst tons of other H!P videos!
Oh and a note to anyone who watches giveitbackNOW's channel, it's been suspended (aww)... BUT! She's made a new channel, giveitbackNOW2! So go subscribe and continue to follow her there!

Now, I'm going to go watch the rest of the concert!



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