Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Carmen Electra Is Hot  Carmen Electra Is Hot
Carmen Electra Is Hot  Carmen Electra Is Hot
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Dear Rasha,

Well you made it. You're now the big 21. I know you have been contemplating and worried about where you're going in life and if you're making the right decisions or if your Daddy would be proud of the woman you're becoming. But I'm here to remind you to slow down. Take it easy. Enjoy life and take it all in. Your life is NOW, this moment, is your life, so stop waiting for it to start. Take every adventure that's put forth in your path. Say yes, when you know you should say no. Make the wrong choice sometimes, but remember to make the right choice when it matters the most. Don't worry about those who put you down, they're just insecure and don't fully understand your potential. Don't be sad about the life you live, it's the only one you got and it's the one who made you, who you are. Don't cry when you think of what and who you lost, smile because you have your Angel. Don't hurt or worry over stuff that is out of your control, one day it will all make sense. Do everything you want too. Do what makes YOU happy, not someone else. Continue to dance in your underwear, while singing into your hairbrush in the morning. Never lose your sense of faith. Never lose what makes you, you. Have faith in yourself, see your full potential and always remember you're a beautiful amazing girl, inside and out and they're hard to come by.

And just between the two of us, I think Daddy's really proud of what you've become.

Close your eyes. Make a wish and Live it up.

+ Yourself.

p.s. Don't be afraid if one day you feel you've lost yourself... you're still that same little girl.

I will be in Vegas, tomorrow... Oh birthday weekend, how I love thee already.

Dear Rasha,

Well you made it. You're now the big 21. I know you have been contemplating and worried about where you're going in life and if you're making the right decisions or if your Daddy would be proud of the woman you're becoming. But I'm here to remind you to slow down. Take it easy. Enjoy life and take it all in. Your life is NOW, this moment, is your life, so stop waiting for it to start. Take every adventure that's put forth in your path. Say yes, when you know you should say no. Make the wrong choice sometimes, but remember to make the right choice when it matters the most. Don't worry about those who put you down, they're just insecure and don't fully understand your potential. Don't be sad about the life you live, it's the only one you got and it's the one who made you, who you are. Don't cry when you think of what and who you lost, smile because you have your Angel. Don't hurt or worry over stuff that is out of your control, one day it will all make sense. Do everything you want too. Do what makes YOU happy, not someone else. Continue to dance in your underwear, while singing into your hairbrush in the morning. Never lose your sense of faith. Never lose what makes you, you. Have faith in yourself, see your full potential and always remember you're a beautiful amazing girl, inside and out and they're hard to come by.

And just between the two of us, I think Daddy's really proud of what you've become.

Close your eyes. Make a wish and Live it up.

+ Yourself.

p.s. Don't be afraid if one day you feel you've lost yourself... you're still that same little girl.

I will be in Vegas, tomorrow... Oh birthday weekend, how I love thee already. has selected TCU linebacker Tank Carder as one of 12 "New Stars You Must Know" for the 2010 season.

Carder was a second-team All-Mountain West Conference selection in his first season as a starter in 2009. His 89 tackles placed second on TCU behind only Daryl Washington (109) and were 19 more than the next-closest Horned Frog (Alex Ibiloye, 70).

Carder was third on TCU with 10 tackles for loss. He had a stop behind the line of scrimmage in eight of 13 games. He topped TCU while tying for second in the MWC with 10 pass breakups.

A junior from Sweeny, Texas, Carder was the Mountain West Conference Defensive Player of the Week in a 55-28 victory over Utah. He totaled nine tackles, including one for loss, while returning an interception 15 yards for a touchdown. Carder added a pass breakup and quarterback hurry. His performance against the Utes earned him a Helmet Sticker from ESPN's Rece Davis.

Carder closed the regular season with a career-high four tackles for loss as part of a personal-best 10 stops in a 51-10 win over New Mexico. He totaled eight tackles in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl as well as the 38-7 victory at BYU. has selected TCU linebacker Tank Carder as one of 12 "New Stars You Must Know" for the 2010 season.

Carder was a second-team All-Mountain West Conference selection in his first season as a starter in 2009. His 89 tackles placed second on TCU behind only Daryl Washington (109) and were 19 more than the next-closest Horned Frog (Alex Ibiloye, 70).

Carder was third on TCU with 10 tackles for loss. He had a stop behind the line of scrimmage in eight of 13 games. He topped TCU while tying for second in the MWC with 10 pass breakups.

A junior from Sweeny, Texas, Carder was the Mountain West Conference Defensive Player of the Week in a 55-28 victory over Utah. He totaled nine tackles, including one for loss, while returning an interception 15 yards for a touchdown. Carder added a pass breakup and quarterback hurry. His performance against the Utes earned him a Helmet Sticker from ESPN's Rece Davis.

Carder closed the regular season with a career-high four tackles for loss as part of a personal-best 10 stops in a 51-10 win over New Mexico. He totaled eight tackles in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl as well as the 38-7 victory at BYU.

Christina Aguilera Hottest Bikini  Christina Aguilera Hottest Bikini
Christina Aguilera Hottest Bikini  Christina Aguilera Hottest Bikini
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Film Avatar 2 siap digarap

Avatar - Sukses film Avatar akan disusul dengan digarapnya film kedua atau sekuel, seperti diungkapkan aktor utama Sam Worthington

Aktor yang berperan sebagai karakter Jake Sully ini mengatakan pada BBC Newsbeat, ” Perjanjiannya adalah jika kami berhasil menghasilkan milyaran dolar kami akan mengambil pekerjaan itu”

Sejak pemutaran perdananya di London Desember 2009 lalu hingga saat ini, film yang disutradarai James Cameron itu tercatat mencapai pendapatan hingga kisaran $2.6 milyar.

Menjawab mengenai waktu pengerjaan sekuel, hingga kini, Sam mengaku belum ada jadwal pasti untuk penggarapannya.

“James Cameron, dia tidak akan membuatnya hanya karena itu”

“Dia selalu menginginkan tantangan, dia selalu ingin menembus batas dan meningkatkan standarnya, dan saya pikir penonton akan menuntut itu pada Avatar 2 dan ketika dia menemukan tantangan itu adalah saatnya kami kembali bekerja,” ujar Sam menambahkan.

Cerpen,Jeritan bintik merah.

Dena tercenung lama memikirkan kalimat Lia tersebut... Andai ia bisa mendengar suaraku. Ingin sekali aku menasehatinya.

�Waaaaaaaaaaaa....� jeritan lantang memecah
hening pagi.
�Ada apa ? Ada apa ?�
�Ada maling ?�
�Nggak... nggak ada maling kok. Cuma ada
�Ya ampun Dena. Kirain kakak ada apa ? Hanya
�Lain kali nggak usah pake jerit-jerit gitu.
Malu didengar tetangga. Pagi-pagi sudah ribut �
Keramaian itu bubar. Penonton kecewa.
Gadis itu kembali terpaku di depan cermin.
Menatapku, menyesali kelahiranku dan dua saudara kembarku.
Benarkah kehadiran kami membawa malapetaka
baginya ? O... betapa malangnya nasib kami.
�Tahu obat mujarab buat ngilangin tiga
bintik ini nggak? Aku nggak pede banget nih,� tanya Dena pada Lia saat pulang sekolah.
�Daripada pake sembarang merk, mending kamu
ke dokter spesialis kulit aja! Kakakku pernah ke
sana. Kalau mau nanti aku sms alamat dan no telepon kliniknya.�
�Tarifnya mahal nggak?�
�Ya kalau konsultasi, sama aja kayak di
dokter umum. Nggak nyampe lima puluh. Obatnya aja yang rada mahal.

Ngg... nggak pa pa deh

Yang penting
wajahku mulus lagi. Aku nggak pede, jalan dengan
muka begini.
Ya sudah. Di rumah nanti aku cari
alamatnya. Aku duluan ya. Bye...
Kalian dengar sendiri kan? Dia nggak pengen
kita hidup lama, gerutuku pada kejora kiri dan
kejora atas, saudara kembarku. Baru satu hari
melihat indahnya dunia, kami sudah mau dienyahkan. Padahal umur kami nggak lama kok. Paling seminggu.
Wajar sih kalo dia sebel sama kita. Maklum
remaja kayak Dena kan lagi puber-pubernya. Tepe-tepe mulu sama cowok.
Ya. Apalagi dia kan lagi naksir Agus.
Kalian lihat sendiri kan gimana saltingnya dia pas
ketemu Agus tadi. Kayak mukanya penupenuh lendir kodok aja. Padahal cuma ada kita bertiga doang.
Jadi gimana nih ?Masak diem aja sih ?!
Emang kita bisa apa ? seru kejora kanan.
Mau teriak-teriak sampe dia ngebatalin rencananya? Mana bisa?! Dia nggak ngerti bahasa kita.
He eh, Nan. Kamu nggak usah ikutan stres kayak si Dena. Nyantai aja lah. Nikmati hidup yang singkat ini, tambah kejora atas.
Piuh... mau tak mau aku harus membenarkan
ucapan mereka. Kami nggak bisa berbuat banyak.
Bergerak nggak bisa, bicara juga susah. Dena nggak bakal paham. Yup mending nikmati aja. Mudah-mudahan obat si dokter itu nggak bikin kami mati seketika. Aku masih ingin hidup lebih lama.
Dena duduk cemberut di kamar kakaknya. Ia
kesal karena Ibu tidak mengijinkannya pergi ke
dokter spesialis kulit. Buang-buang duit aja, begitu
alasannya. Aku setuju sekali dengan alasan Ibu itu.
Untuk remaja seumur kamu, jerawat itu
biasa, Dena, hibur Kak Dini. Di masa remaja,
terjadi perubahan hormonal yang merangsang kerja kelenjar minyak kulit. Kelenjar itu akan membesar dan menghasilkan minyak lebih banyak. Minyak ini dialirkan ke folikel rambut. Tahu apa itu folikel rambut?
Dena menggeleng.
Folikel rambut adalah bangunan yang
membentuk kantung di sekeliling akar rambut. Minyak selanjutnya akan keluar melalui pori-pori kulit. Nah pada kondisi tertentu, pori-pori kulit ini dapat tertutup, akibatnya minyak menumpuk di kantung itu. Sumbatan ini bila terinfeksi kuman yang hidup di sekitar folikel bisa menimbulkan peradangan, bengkak, dan bernanah. Ya, kayak di pipi sama jidat kamu itu !
Tapi Kak, aku kan rajin cuci muka. Kok,
jerawat tetap nongol ya?
Penyebab jerawat itu bukan hanya masalah
pori-pori kulit yang tersumbat. Ada faktor lain yang memicu timbulnya jerawat seperti: stres, makanan, dan pola hidup. Jerawat juga bisa disebabkan oleh faktor keturunan. Artinya, kalo orang tuanya berjerawat, anaknya juga beresiko jerawatan.

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