Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tell me about Vegas

I have 2 test today, one at 9 and the other at 3. I'm stressed to the max, and I want to pull out all my hair, but then I would never have luscious locks, so I think twice about that.

EDIT: Test one is finished and I so got an A!!

The only thing that is keeping me sane is that fact that, VEGAS is in 7 days from today, so because I'm lacking inspiration, time and a good attitude, this is what we are doing:

If you've been to Vegas: tell me what you did, what I can't miss out on, what you ate that was good or where I should stay away from, what you thought about it, what I have to look forward too, etc?

If you've never been to Vegas: tell me if you want to go, and why and what you would do?

p.s. for the girls who told me jokes on my blog post yesterday, THANK YOU. They made me laugh, good and hard.

Have a great day everyone! Wish me luck at 9am and 4pm! +



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