Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm pretty excited to finally be able to participate in one of these!
I really wanted to do it last year, but we didn't have a blog back then, so I didn't.

For those of you who don't know, this is probably the most popular H!P poll amongst bloggers. It comes out annually with swish flash graphics and a prize draw too! It's totally neat!
Hello!Blog H!P 2010 Poll

This year we rank EVERY current H!P member and also the groups as a whole.

Here we go!

Well of course I have to put all three Buono! members first, because they're what initially drew me to Hello!Project, with a little help from B.B. XD
Momo will always be reining in first then Miya and Airi. Miya is in front of Airi because I'm a Berryz whore, therefore Berryz > ºC-ute. Lolz.
Risako has actually impressed me a lot in concerts recently, she's been quite consistent and I do like her voice now. Captain rounds out the top 5, because she's just cool.

Ogawa Saki and Fukuda Kanon from S/mileage! I think they both cut their hair recently! D: I like this duo, they seem to be really good friends, and they both sing well! YAY!
Chisa, Maasa and Nacky. Three overlooked members from their respective groups. I always like the underdogs!

The five middle band members - The rest of S/mileage, the rest of ºC-ute and the giant of Berryz.
All of these members are competent in their singing, but I don't really like any of their voices that much (with the exception of MaiMai and maybe Yuuka)... I have nothing that bad to say about them either, so they go here!

All morning musume members!!
Well, morning musume has the longest history within H!P, but I've known them for the shortest amount of time. I don't know what it is about them, but I'm just not as drawn to them as the other groups. Reh, I'm just an H!P kids fangirl.

The bottom five. Dun dun dun...
Michishige can't sing. JunJun is also pretty bad at singing. Chinami can't sing and she's a biatch to Momo. Mano can't sing and is a vegetable. Mitsui... guh.

I guess after all my member rankings, my group ranking order would be pretty obvious.
Buono! is TOP! Because they are so unbelievably talented and continue to impress me to no end!
Berryz are totally rocking and consist of my two favourite Buono! members, lol.
ºC-ute has H!P kids in it! And have had some good songs. It has Airi too.
S/mileage are pretty cool.
Morning Musume are okay.
Guardians4, although lead by Mitsui are slightly salvaged because it has Risako, Nacky and Kumai-chan in it.
Mano vegetable is a vegetable.

Woah, this was way less interesting to write about then I thought. LOL!

B.B you have to do this too!! :D



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