Sunday, March 28, 2010

As requested - Part 2! X)

友達は友達なんだ (Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda)
ベリーズ工房 (Berryz Koubou)

ねえ 友情取るふり止めていいんだよ Oh My Friend
そんなの 続かないから Oh My Friend
そう 自慢の彼をみんなに一度会わせたら

Hey, you don't have to act like friendship is everything, Oh My Friend
Because you know it's not gonna last very long, Oh My Friend
Yea, if you just introduce your boyfriend to us once,
then go ahead and spend all your time with him as you wish

OH YEAH 彼無し時代はみんなでつるんで楽し
でも 一人二人と彼氏が出来はじめたなら

OH YEAH During our single days, it's fun to do stupid stuff together
Like remember the time, when we've talked away until the next morning?
But when we start having boyfriends one by one,
take your boyfriend as your first priority

気を使うくらい 距離のある 友なら

Friends are Friends
Having friends who you can't fully trust,
and always have to think about their feelings,
doesn't mean anything

また そのうち 語り明かそう
そう そのうちに ワイワイと
みんなで 会えるだろう

We could always catch up again soon,
Yep, sometime soon,
we'll all get together and do fun stuff like we always do

この 仲間で会いたいな

I want to get together with this same group,
where I can be myself

そう 振られそうになりゃすぐに教えなよ Oh My Friend
愚痴ぐらい聞いてあげるよ Oh My Friend
けど 仲裁おせっかい半端なでしゃばりしないよ
もっと 複雑になるし

If your boyfriend's about to break up with you,
let me know, yea? Oh My Friend
I'll listen to whatever you have to spill out, Oh My Friend
But I won't be nosy and try to meddle in with your problems,
because you know, it's going make it harder

もち 終わった恋ばな みんなできちんと料理

But of course, when your relationship's over,
we'll all cook it up for you,
and turn it into a funny story.
Because then, soon, you'll be able to heal your heart,
and make fun of it yourself too.

どんな時も 元の位置 戻れる

Friends and Friends
Whatever happens,
you can always go right back to where you belong
That's what you call, Friends

とは言え 年 一度くらいは
そう 昼でも良い ランチして

Having said that,
I would like to meet up during the day,
and have lunch together and
share our stories at least once a year

この 仲間で会いたいな

Not turning up in the last minute's okay,
I just want to get together with this same group again

気を使うくらい 距離のある 友なら

Friends are Friends
Having friends who you can't fully trust,
and always have to think about their feelings,
doesn't mean anything

どんな時も 元の位置 戻れる

Friends and Friends
Whatever happens,
you can always go right back to where you belong
That's what you call, Friends

とは言え 年 一度くらいは
そう 昼でも良い ランチして

Having said that,
I would like to meet up during the day,
and have lunch together and
share our stories at least once a year

この 仲間で会いたいな

Not turning up in the last minute's okay,
I just want to get together with this same group again


Phew, this one was easier.. XP
I hope it made sense this time! lol
And no wonder they chose Momo to be the main character in the PV! lol



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