Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's easy for someone to celebrate after winning, but it takes a bigger man to accept defeat. “King James” sure knows how to rejoice after a big win, but apparently he still hasn’t learned how to accept defeat after he loses.

From the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

LeBron James slipped on a baseball cap, shoved his golden earphones over his ears to block out any noise, and walked out of the visitors' locker room at Amway Arena.

Past the outstretched hands offering him the Game 6 box score that summarized the 103-90 loss to the Orlando Magic.

Past the media that tried to ask him about his 25 points on 8-for-20 shooting, his lowest offensive output of this Eastern Conference finals.

He walked straight to the Cavaliers team bus without offering his insight to the end of the best regular season in franchise history, the team with the league's Most Valuable Player, the Coach of the Year and so much promise.

It was much like the way James walked straight off the court Saturday when the final buzzer sounded without offering a single handshake of congratulations to any Magic players as confetti fell.

We have all been in that situation where you are mad and don’t want to talk to anyone, but this is poor sportsmanship. If he doesn’t want to talk to the media, then fine, (Even though every other player and team that has been eliminated had to do it) but to not go over and at least shake Dwight Howard’s hand? That is classless.

As LeBron James, you have to be bigger than that.

Hopefully the LeBron hype will die down for a little bit now, even though I did love the puppet commercials. It probably won’t though...most likely just fan the flame of what will happen in 2010.

It's easy for someone to celebrate after winning, but it takes a bigger man to accept defeat. “King James” sure knows how to rejoice after a big win, but apparently he still hasn’t learned how to accept defeat after he loses.

From the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

LeBron James slipped on a baseball cap, shoved his golden earphones over his ears to block out any noise, and walked out of the visitors' locker room at Amway Arena.

Past the outstretched hands offering him the Game 6 box score that summarized the 103-90 loss to the Orlando Magic.

Past the media that tried to ask him about his 25 points on 8-for-20 shooting, his lowest offensive output of this Eastern Conference finals.

He walked straight to the Cavaliers team bus without offering his insight to the end of the best regular season in franchise history, the team with the league's Most Valuable Player, the Coach of the Year and so much promise.

It was much like the way James walked straight off the court Saturday when the final buzzer sounded without offering a single handshake of congratulations to any Magic players as confetti fell.

We have all been in that situation where you are mad and don’t want to talk to anyone, but this is poor sportsmanship. If he doesn’t want to talk to the media, then fine, (Even though every other player and team that has been eliminated had to do it) but to not go over and at least shake Dwight Howard’s hand? That is classless.

As LeBron James, you have to be bigger than that.

Hopefully the LeBron hype will die down for a little bit now, even though I did love the puppet commercials. It probably won’t though...most likely just fan the flame of what will happen in 2010.

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