Monday, May 11, 2009

I absolutely LOVE Mark Cuban as an owner. I like that he actually cares about the team, is willing to spend money, and has passion. I usually agree with most the decisions and things Cuban says, but his passion however, has been taken too far in this case. Cuban had some words with Kenyon Martin’s mother after game three on Saturday.

From the Denver Post:

According to Cuban, a fan called the Nuggets thugs after Game 3 and he turned to Martin's mother, Lydia Moore, and said "That includes your son." Martin’s agent, Brian Dyke, said Cuban told Martin's mother "Your son is a punk."

However it happened, that is unacceptable. No matter who you are, or how mad you are, you don’t talk noise to someone’s MOTHER. Cuban is a billionaire, the owner of an NBA team, and even more important…he is a GROWN MAN! This is not how someone in his position should be acting.

I understand he was angry, all Mav fans were after that game, but this action really bothers me. He obviously knew he was directing his comments at Martin’s mother so there are no excuses.

If I am K-Mart, I would be EXTREMELY upset with Cuban’s actions and I would let him know about it as he said he would earlier this morning. Mark Cuban needs to be a stand up guy and apologize immediately to Kenyon Martin, his mother, and his family.


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