Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mixed Emotions

I have mixed emotions about the Mavs right now.

I am happy that they won game 4, but it leaves fans wondering about what could have been in game 3. Should this series be 2-2 right now? Would the Mavs still have won game 4 if they didn’t lose game 3? Would the Nuggets have played it differently?

On the flipside I think game 4 was just delaying the inevitable. Could this Mavs team really roll off four straight wins to take the series? It is highly doubtful since no team has ever done it before. Plus, J-Ho is nowhere near healthy and Denver was missing Birdman.

Then, I get to thinking…If the Nuggets can win eight straight games against the Mavs, why can’t the Mavs turn around and win four straight against them? This Mavs team isn’t as bad as a lot of people want to make it out to be. Are they championship caliber? No. They are a good team though.

I flip flop again and think…this team isn’t going to win the championship so why drag it out any longer??

This team drives me crazy sometimes, but that is also why I have enjoyed watching them play this season. I have decided to just enjoy the rest of the season whether that is one more game or seven more games. I am not ready for baseball to be the only thing


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