We interrupt the Seattle Trip posts to bring you this "rest stop" in our virtual road trip.
If you have seen the movie "Fireproof" you might recognize this song. . .and if you haven't seen the movie, drop everything and watch it now. It's that good. But anyway, I digress. . .
Last night (er. . .and early this morning) I was talking with a friend on the phone. She and I are, at this point, at completely different points in our lives. We are both waiting for answers for various (different) questions we have, and while our stories at the moment are different, somehow there is something similar between the two. I originally heard this song in the movie "Fireproof," as I mentioned, but I heard it again recently and it came to mind after my conversation with my friend last night. I thought I would share it with you all here.
While I'm Waiting John Waller
I'm waiting I'm waiting on You, Lord And I am hopeful I'm waiting on You, Lord Though it is painful But patiently, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident Takeing every step in obedience While I'm waiting I will serve You While I'm waiting I will worship While I'm waiting I will not faint I'll be running the race Even while I wait
I'm waiting I'm waiting on You, Lord And I am peaceful I'm waiting on You, Lord Though it's not easy But faithfully, I will wait Yes, I will wait I will serve You while I'm waiting I will worship while I'm waiting I will serve You while I'm waiting I will worship while I'm waiting I will serve you while I'm waiting I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord