Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The original plan for Donnie Nelson today was to fly to Germany this afternoon so he could speak with Dirk Nowitzki about free agency at the first available moment. Those plans have changed. As Donnie arrived at DFW for his flight to Germany today, he received a call from Holger Geschwindner. Holger informed him that he and Dirk Nowitzki were going to travel to Dallas tomorrow. Upon their arrival, the three of them will meet at Dirk's house. What does it all mean? Is it good for the Mavs? I know it makes me nervous.

I think it’s odd that Dirk is now coming back to this side of the pond. What is his motivation? Did he have some other things to take care of? Did he miss his house? Did he come back to help the Mavs recruit other free agents? I would like to think it’s something like that, but here is why I am nervous.

With Dirk coming back to the states its puts him that much closer to all the free agent madness. Does Dirk now want to check out his other options? Maybe go and visit some other teams to see what is out there? I have a theory that Holger has been in Dirk’s ear over the last few weeks telling him to explore all of his options.

I don’t know what is going, or why Dirk all of a sudden decided to return to Dallas, but I am sure nervous about this summer of free agency and hopefully it will all be over quick.

Remember this challenge:

In case you don't, here's the info. I challenged myself to read 10 books in one month. Why? Because I think that 10 books in one month is a huge accomplishment. To be honest, I was a little unsure I could do it, with everything else going on, but I underestimated myself, because, I finished reading ALL 10.

The Books Completed:
-1. Death by pantyhose- a Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/1) Approx.: 300 pages
-2. True Believer- Nicolas Sparks (Finished 6/3) Approx.: 500 pages
-3. Killing Bridezilla - a Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/4) Approx.: 300 pages
-4. My sisters keeper - Jodi Picoult (Finished 6/8) Approx.: 423 pages
-5. Killer Blonde- a Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/10) Approx.: 300 pages
-6. The PMS Murder- a Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/16) Approx.: 300 pages
-7. Killer Cruise- A Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/19) Approx. 300 pages
-8. Shoes to die for- A Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/20) Approx.. 300 pages
-9. Last Write - A Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/21) Approx.. 300 pages
-10. Forever by Judy Blume (Finished 6/28) Approx... 200 pages

I'm proud of myself. I love reading, and this was a good challenge! The Jaine Austin mysteries were really good. I selected the first to read out of random, but liked it so much I decided to read them all! The other books were great too!

What did you accomplish in June?

Remember this challenge:

In case you don't, here's the info. I challenged myself to read 10 books in one month. Why? Because I think that 10 books in one month is a huge accomplishment. To be honest, I was a little unsure I could do it, with everything else going on, but I underestimated myself, because, I finished reading ALL 10.

The Books Completed:
-1. Death by pantyhose- a Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/1) Approx.: 300 pages
-2. True Believer- Nicolas Sparks (Finished 6/3) Approx.: 500 pages
-3. Killing Bridezilla - a Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/4) Approx.: 300 pages
-4. My sisters keeper - Jodi Picoult (Finished 6/8) Approx.: 423 pages
-5. Killer Blonde- a Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/10) Approx.: 300 pages
-6. The PMS Murder- a Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/16) Approx.: 300 pages
-7. Killer Cruise- A Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/19) Approx. 300 pages
-8. Shoes to die for- A Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/20) Approx.. 300 pages
-9. Last Write - A Jaine Austin mystery (Finished 6/21) Approx.. 300 pages
-10. Forever by Judy Blume (Finished 6/28) Approx... 200 pages

I'm proud of myself. I love reading, and this was a good challenge! The Jaine Austin mysteries were really good. I selected the first to read out of random, but liked it so much I decided to read them all! The other books were great too!

What did you accomplish in June?

{one}- if you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would it be?
Hard question... There are so many.... Vogue maybe?

{two} - how would you describe yourself in three words?
passionate, loving, strong

{three} - if you could have any super power, what would it be?
This is my most hated question... I want them all pretty much... A lot of people say they wouldn't want mind reading power since you find our more than you want but it also gives you the advantage... Plus why wouldn't you wanna know what people truly think about you? It lets you know who your friends and enemies are right?

{four} - what's your favorite movie quote?
I have a million, but this one is top ten:
"And we were dressed from head to toe in love... the only label that never goes out of style." Carrie Bradshaw

{five} - if you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?
Well read this letter and you'll get an idea: click here

{six} - who was your first crush?
celebrity? Jonathan Taylor Thomas. real life? Dylon Knost

{seven} - what tv show makes you laugh the loudest?
Simpsons? Um, I laugh at a lot of them.

{eight} - what was your first paying job?
besides babysitting, I worked as a maid at a hotel. "Would you like a fresh towel?"

{nine} - what celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?
oh, I hope someone beautiful and talented like: Kate Beckinsale, Rachel Mcadams or Sandra Bullok, but if we are going looks wise: Brittany spears or Cameron Richardson.

{ten} - if you had to perform in the circus, what trick would you do?
Every since I was little I wanted to join the circus... It didn't matter what I woud do, as long as I was in the circus.... that holds true still.

Play along in the comment box or link up!


On a different note:

Eclipse was amazing! I believe the best one so far. If you weren't crazy and didn't stay up till midnight to see it, I can't wait for you too, because it's beyond great. So excited for Breaking Dawn, it couldn't come sooner!

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

{one}- if you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would it be?
Hard question... There are so many.... Vogue maybe?

{two} - how would you describe yourself in three words?
passionate, loving, strong

{three} - if you could have any super power, what would it be?
This is my most hated question... I want them all pretty much... A lot of people say they wouldn't want mind reading power since you find our more than you want but it also gives you the advantage... Plus why wouldn't you wanna know what people truly think about you? It lets you know who your friends and enemies are right?

{four} - what's your favorite movie quote?
I have a million, but this one is top ten:
"And we were dressed from head to toe in love... the only label that never goes out of style." Carrie Bradshaw

{five} - if you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?
Well read this letter and you'll get an idea: click here

{six} - who was your first crush?
celebrity? Jonathan Taylor Thomas. real life? Dylon Knost

{seven} - what tv show makes you laugh the loudest?
Simpsons? Um, I laugh at a lot of them.

{eight} - what was your first paying job?
besides babysitting, I worked as a maid at a hotel. "Would you like a fresh towel?"

{nine} - what celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?
oh, I hope someone beautiful and talented like: Kate Beckinsale, Rachel Mcadams or Sandra Bullok, but if we are going looks wise: Brittany spears or Cameron Richardson.

{ten} - if you had to perform in the circus, what trick would you do?
Every since I was little I wanted to join the circus... It didn't matter what I woud do, as long as I was in the circus.... that holds true still.

Play along in the comment box or link up!


On a different note:

Eclipse was amazing! I believe the best one so far. If you weren't crazy and didn't stay up till midnight to see it, I can't wait for you too, because it's beyond great. So excited for Breaking Dawn, it couldn't come sooner!

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

We're not sure whether it was tragic coincidence or divine opportunity that a float full of Peta members was positioned just ahead of us at the Pride Parade last weekend. They were having a hella good time, seemingly unaware that they were being followed (.. stalked ..?) by 22 pit bulls in top hats and taffeta ... all of them dogs that Peta would've dutifully killed had they got their hands on them first.

Our faithful homies couldn't pass up the chance to say hello and introduce two former Vick dogs to Peta, so once the parade was over, Tim Racer and Letti de Little scooped Jonny Justice and Uba up in their arms to go have themselves a talk with the peaceful vegans who love animals.

It started as a little info-chat: Many Peta supporters are still unaware that their org wanted all the Vick dogs killed or that Ingrid and her crew have been calling for the a ban on pit bulls since Jan, 2000 (Newkirk: "People who genuinely care about dogs won't be affected by a ban on pits"). And most have no idea that Peta recommends death to all sheltered pit bulls over adoption to caring families. Straight from the horse's mouth on banning the breed and on auto-death for sheltered pit bulls.

Yes, they're kookie, but you gotta give Peta supporters a chance to come out of the fog. Peta's own euth number can help with that... The org doesn't discriminate by breed when it kills, and routinely destroys most every homeless dog or cat that lands in their laps as a matter of course. ... 95% of their intake destroyed in 2008 alone.

The Center for Consumer Freedom is on to them. From one of their press releases: "According to public records from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PETA killed 2,124 pets last year and placed only seven in adoptive homes....Despite having a $32 million budget, PETA does not operate an adoption shelter. PETA employees make no discernible effort to find homes for the thousands of pets they kill every year. Last year, the Center for Consumer Freedom petitioned Virginia’s State Veterinarian to reclassify PETA as a slaughterhouse."

The post-parade exchange on Market Street stayed closer to the topic at hand: Uba and Jonny. In addition to being former shelter dogs, these boys are on Peta's double-death hit list for coming from a fight bust. Despite what everyone has learned about bust dogs, Peta still maintains that it's kinder to destroy them all after they're seized in raids - no matter how adoptable they may be. (Criminal mugshots below compliments of Mark Rogers and Pet Food Express)

With these two dogs in their arms, Tim and Letti both asked the blonde haired card-carrying Peta Rep, "Do you still think these dogs should be dead?"

Apparently this question sparked an emotional response from the Rep, who delivered a rousing rendition of Peta's anti-pit bull stance, peppered with colorful profanities. I'm sure it was one of her finer moments and only regret that I wasn't there to witness or record the occasion of the peaceable girl elaborating on why Jonny and Uba should be dead. (I was off soothing my own pit bull Sally, who was cringing at the sound of a hundred balloons popping as a nearby float was taken apart.)

According to the Peta rep's tirade, Jonny and Uba stole good homes from other needy dogs, so Tim and Letti should just learn to accept death for pit bulls and Save the Poodles. Or something like that. (We're still not clear on that)

Like any sane pet owner, Tim and Letti disagreed and stood steady, which shook up the Peta girl. They were each holding parade-worn pit bulls after all ... who knew what they could do with them? So she called for a security guy to save her from the terrible distress of looking two former victims of cruelty in the eye. Needless to say, it wasn't a productive conversation.

ANYWAY - a member from this Pride contingent was still angry when he got home from the parade and fired off a particularly snarky review about BR on Yelp. Oh the shame. He said ...

"I never really thought about this group one way or the other until I witnessed their hostile, ignorant and hypocritical tactics first hand .... Our group was East Bay Animal Advocates, and we were promoting vegetarianism as our mission in the parade. Every single member of our group is an animal lover, and we spend countless hours advocating for the rights of animals. We asked them to leave, offered contact information for them to contact us at a more appropriate time, but they refused to leave and attempted to escalate a conflict. {My note: Remember, they were carrying pit bulls!} Only when a security officer from the event told them to move on, did they leave.

They seem to be vehemently opposed to any euthanasia of pit bulls in shelters, but have absolutely no answer to what we as a society are supposed to do with the 7 million unfortunate dogs who enter shelters every year. No kill shelters are great, as long as you are willing to accept any dog who needs your care, which of course if impossible given the irresponsibility of those who don't spay and neuter their animals". - Jeff H.

Apparently "the answer" is easy EBAA. According to Peta ... You just gotta skip the adoption thing, and kill them all. No muss, no fuss.

BADRAP, as most know, is not a no-kill organization. We're just trying to save a few good dogs, man.

I'm sure you're a very nice person - Jeff H. of the East Bay Animal Advocates - but we have to question the decision to host Peta on your float, as they clearly have no business marching in an event that celebrates compassion and equality for all. Victims of cruelty including pit bulls need strong advocates to ensure that they aren't victimized twice by organizations who pose as good guys.

We will continue to bring Peta's unforgivable stance on pit bulls to people's attention whenever and wherever Peta makes a public appearance - without editing and certainly without apology.

Yelp this.

(By the way, Yelp only allows 600 character responses to reviews. Viva blogs.)

For other viewpoints and info, Google "Peta kills" and watch what comes up. Also, read this blogpost about an earlier exchange with Peta ... "Let's have a dog party. Pit bulls not invited."

EDIT: The post from the East Bay Animal Advocates came down from our Yelp page shortly after we launched this post. Which is unfortunate! ... We welcome discussion about issues that affect the lives of pit bulls, even when discussion gets heated and messy.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Horrible picture (plus) Awkward angle (plus) GORGEOUS guy = I CAN NOT WAIT!!

Horrible picture (plus) Awkward angle (plus) GORGEOUS guy = I CAN NOT WAIT!!

It looks like FIFA might actually be doing something smart for a change. FIFA president Sepp Blatter said soccer's governing body will reopen the replay issue after the World Cup.

Blatter said Tuesday that FIFA deplores "when you see the evidence of refereeing mistakes." It would be "a nonsense" not to consider changes, he said.

"After having witnessed such a situation," Blatter said, referring to England's non-goal against Germany, "we have to open again this file, definitely."

FIFA keeps saying they enjoy the human element and all the controversy that comes along with it, but they are severely hurting their sport. When you have a sport like soccer where goals are so valuable, you can’t continue to have bad calls where good goals are continually called off. There are so many technological advances out there that soccer could benefit from. If FIFA doesn’t do something, it could really hurt the sport and the World Cup.

Even if they don’t want to do replay, there is still another alternative, which is to add more referees to the field. Right now you have a head ref and two side judges, why not add another ref to roam the field? Why not add another judge by the goal line? There needs to be some type of change.

Pride 2010!

There's just no such thing as a bad day at the SF Pride Parade. Here's a peek at what it looks like when you're marching 22 pit bulls in front of thousands of cheering, happy, proud-to-support-you people. Nirvana!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Marry Me, Please
Genre: Romance, family
Broadcast Network: KBS2 
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 19:55
Broadcasting dates : 
Jun 19, 2010

This drama tells the story of four couples that live under the same roof getting married.

Kim Ji Young
Lee Jong Hyuk
Baek Il Sub
Go Doo Shim
Han Sang Jin
Oh Yoon Ah
Ryu Tae Joon
Sung Hyuk
Lee Hwi Hyang
Lee Da In
Jung Soo Young
Kang Soo Han
Lee Tae Im
Yoon Jung Hee

Production Credits
Director: Park Man Young
Screenwriter: Jung Yoo Kyung 

Twilight Saga fans may have June 30 circled as the premiere date for Eclipse, but Kristen Stewart offered her own exciting debut earlier today.
Prior to an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman, the beloved actress showed off a new hairstyle meant for her upcoming role as MaryLou in the movie adaption of Jack Kerouac’s On The Road.
It's short, it's dyed, it's elegant and it marks a departure from Kristen's typically grungy look. We think it's beautiful! Do you agree?

The stars of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse parted ways to premiere the highly anticipated vamp flick across the globe in startling style!  WhileAshley Greene got gorgeous at the Madrid premiere in a silk chiffon Donna Karan cocktail dress, haute off the Resort 2011 runway,Kristen Stewart showed off her lightened locks at The Cinema Society screening in NYC, wearing a super sexy mini from Roland Mouret’s Fall 2010 Collection.
PHOTOS: Eclipse Premieres In Madrid And NYC
Kristen looked super sultry in the swirl-embellished mini dress, which she paired with Christian Louboutin Alti pumps. With her new summer ‘do pulled back in wispy updo, the broody babe painted her eyes super dark, while her lips remained nude and glossy.
Also at the NYC screening was Kristen’s hunky werewolf costar Taylor Lautner, who definitely scored points for Team Jacob, wearing a delightfully light grey suit.
PHOTOS: Best And Worst Of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Premiere
Ashley channeled her Spanish style siren in the silk chiffon number, which fell right below her knees. She paired the lowcut dress with totally fab Brian Atwood Cristal peep-toed, t-strap heels, which were hued in a gorgeous burgundy tone.  Though we loved her sashed dress, it failed to flatter Ash’s covetable figure.  She finished the look off with a small, gold clutch.
Whose look did you like better: Ashley or Kristen’s?  Check out the gallery in Style and let us know.

Shortly after they announced their re-engagement, reports tell that Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green have gotten married in Hawaii.
According to Star magazine, the former "Transformers" actress and her "Beverly Hills 90210" exchanged nuptials in Hawaii just this past week.

Welcome, to the seventh round of "Tell me a secret Tuesday"

Incase your new around here, or just simply forgot the rules, here's how it's played:


{idea brought to you by Life In Quotations (who plays his on Fridays) via POST SECRETS. Button made by me}

This is a chance to anonymously share some secrets you've been keeping to yourself. They can be small secrets, big secrets, scary secrets, juicy secrets, depressing secrets...There's no judging, anything and everything is valid.

Here's how it works:

1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.

2) Post a secret anonymously, no names please.

3) I don't plan to censor content or language. However I do reserve the right to remove anything which appears to be posted with the sole intent of offending.

4) I am doing this because I know we all have secrets to hide, we all need someone to listen, and we all need to know that someone is going through something simular.

5) and remember... one of these secrets, will be mine.

So leave your secret below... for everyone knows, we all have one.

What's your secret?

Welcome, to the seventh round of "Tell me a secret Tuesday"

Incase your new around here, or just simply forgot the rules, here's how it's played:


{idea brought to you by Life In Quotations (who plays his on Fridays) via POST SECRETS. Button made by me}

This is a chance to anonymously share some secrets you've been keeping to yourself. They can be small secrets, big secrets, scary secrets, juicy secrets, depressing secrets...There's no judging, anything and everything is valid.

Here's how it works:

1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.

2) Post a secret anonymously, no names please.

3) I don't plan to censor content or language. However I do reserve the right to remove anything which appears to be posted with the sole intent of offending.

4) I am doing this because I know we all have secrets to hide, we all need someone to listen, and we all need to know that someone is going through something simular.

5) and remember... one of these secrets, will be mine.

So leave your secret below... for everyone knows, we all have one.

What's your secret?

Are you all still wondering, what my "Surprise" was? Well, I have 2!

But lets stick to the first one, shall we?

My oldest sister came to town!!! she is here for a whole week, and we are going to the midnight showing of ECLIPSE!

Anyways- last Thursday was my adorable nieces 2nd birthday. We drove up to Tucson, and celebrated at a water park. The kids had so much fun, it was a great time.

She had so much fun opening her gifts!

I have much more pics from the weekend + family time, unfortunately, I didn't take them on my camera so I will have to wait to get them from my sister, but I will load them soon!

What did you do this weekend?

Are you all still wondering, what my "Surprise" was? Well, I have 2!

But lets stick to the first one, shall we?

My oldest sister came to town!!! she is here for a whole week, and we are going to the midnight showing of ECLIPSE!

Anyways- last Thursday was my adorable nieces 2nd birthday. We drove up to Tucson, and celebrated at a water park. The kids had so much fun, it was a great time.

She had so much fun opening her gifts!

I have much more pics from the weekend + family time, unfortunately, I didn't take them on my camera so I will have to wait to get them from my sister, but I will load them soon!

What did you do this weekend?

BRAVADA Muscle Flex Inc. The Kardashians, The Mirage, a wholly owned subsidiary of MGM Resorts International, TLK Fusion and BRAVADA International jointly announced that they have signed a partnership agreement to open what is being described as an exciting project that is certain to create extraordinary international appeal and demand at The Mirage in Las Vegas.

The project is a “Kardashian-specific retail project” that will be operated by BRAVADA International, a publicly traded Los Angeles-based company, specializing in media and women’s health, fitness and lifestyle. TLK Fusion, a Los Angeles-based company known for its ability to strategically fuse brands with celebrities and media, has created this concept and shall be the exclusive marketing and public relations firm for the project. More details of the project will be provided at a press conference that will be held on Monday, June 28, 2010 at 1:00 PM at The Mirage in Las Vegas.

BRAVADA International will be the exclusive operator of this Kardashian retail project and will work closely with The Mirage, Kris Jenner, and TLK Fusion in developing and operating what BRAVADA CEO Danny Alex describes as one of Las Vegas’ most prestigious and world-class retail destinations for all that is “The Kardashians” and more—a lot more. It will be a “must-see” tourist destination in the heart of The Mirage.

Read More..  @ Fibre2fashion

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