Monday, June 21, 2010

Apple ios 4 release time

Apple will release iOS 4, the latest version of its iPhone operating software today.

The new iOS4 will be available for free download at the official website of Apple. The new OS would run on iPhone 3G S, iPod touch, 3rd gen iTouch, and iPad. However, users of iPhone 3G and 2G would not get the multi-tasking and wallpapers.

Apple iPhone users would be able to download iOS4 through the iTunes. Just connect your iPhone with the computer and open up iTUnes. A software-update message will pop-up automatically.

iOS 4 adds a range of new features to the iPhone 3GS and some new features to the 3G, the iPhone 4 which will go on sale on Thursday will ship with iOS 4.

The new features in iOS 4 include multitasking, which will allow you to run multiple applications  at once, folders, which will let you organize your icons in different folders, for example you will be able to organize all your games in a ‘Games’ folder, or all your music applications in a ‘Music’ folder.


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