Wednesday, June 30, 2010

{one}- if you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would it be?
Hard question... There are so many.... Vogue maybe?

{two} - how would you describe yourself in three words?
passionate, loving, strong

{three} - if you could have any super power, what would it be?
This is my most hated question... I want them all pretty much... A lot of people say they wouldn't want mind reading power since you find our more than you want but it also gives you the advantage... Plus why wouldn't you wanna know what people truly think about you? It lets you know who your friends and enemies are right?

{four} - what's your favorite movie quote?
I have a million, but this one is top ten:
"And we were dressed from head to toe in love... the only label that never goes out of style." Carrie Bradshaw

{five} - if you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?
Well read this letter and you'll get an idea: click here

{six} - who was your first crush?
celebrity? Jonathan Taylor Thomas. real life? Dylon Knost

{seven} - what tv show makes you laugh the loudest?
Simpsons? Um, I laugh at a lot of them.

{eight} - what was your first paying job?
besides babysitting, I worked as a maid at a hotel. "Would you like a fresh towel?"

{nine} - what celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?
oh, I hope someone beautiful and talented like: Kate Beckinsale, Rachel Mcadams or Sandra Bullok, but if we are going looks wise: Brittany spears or Cameron Richardson.

{ten} - if you had to perform in the circus, what trick would you do?
Every since I was little I wanted to join the circus... It didn't matter what I woud do, as long as I was in the circus.... that holds true still.

Play along in the comment box or link up!


On a different note:

Eclipse was amazing! I believe the best one so far. If you weren't crazy and didn't stay up till midnight to see it, I can't wait for you too, because it's beyond great. So excited for Breaking Dawn, it couldn't come sooner!

Happy Hump Day Everyone!


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