Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Imagine that, you have 30 minutes left in your life. Just 30 minutes...

What is the last thing you would say?

The last person/people you would see?

The last thing you would do?

What would be one of the most valuable lessons you learned?

The last thing I would say is: that every moment, every hour, every positive and every negative thing I have endured in my life was worth it.

The last people I would see: would be my beautiful family, my great friends, and my adoring boyfriend.

The last thing I would do is: let the around me know how much I love them. Then I would donate all my belongs to various shelters and take all the money I have and donate it so kids and families around the world that are starving and can't afford shoes can even for one night be as blessed as I was. They deserve it.

One of the most valuable things I would have learned is: The bad moments in your life are just as much needed as the good. The good moments taught me to be appreciative, to be thankful for all that I am blessed with... The bad moments taught me to be strong, to have courage, to tie a knot in the end of my rope when I felt I couldn't go any longer.

What would the answers to these questions be for you?

Post them in the comment section!


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