Monday, November 29, 2010

TCU to the Big East

The rumors have been swirling for weeks now, and it looks like we can finally put all the speculation to rest. TCU has been invited to the Big East Conference as an all sports member. The Frogs no doubt will accept the invitation.

NY Daily News:

In a move designed to prop up a weak football conference, The Big East has convinced TCU to leave the Mountain West and join the league as an all sports member, sources told the Daily News early this morning. Commissioner John Marinatto and Associate Commisioner in charge of communications John Paquette both flew to Dallas yesterday for the official announcement at 1 p.m. today.

The Horned Frogs, a small private school located in Ft. Worth, are currently the No. 3 ranked team in the BCS standings and are set to at least play in the Rose Bowl this January after completing a perfect 12-0 record. If either Auburn or Oregon lose this Saturday, there is a strong chance TCU will be in the national championship game Jan. 10 at Glendale, Arizona.

No timetable has been set, but I would expect TCU to join in 2012. This is a great move for the Frogs and they will FINALLY be in a BCS AQ conference.

They’ve done messed up. The BCS finally let us into their little exclusive group, and they won't be able kick us out this time.

Go Frogs!!!


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