Wednesday, November 24, 2010

TCU Athletic Director Chris Del Conte joined Galloway and Company on 103.3 ESPN Radio in Dallas this afternoon to address Ohio State University President Gordon Gee’s comments that TCU and Boise State should not play for the National Championship because of the teams in their conferences. Del Conte came out of the TCU corner firing and had some very interesting comments about Ohio State and the Big Ten. Here are a few of the highlights.

Ian Fitzsimmons: What was your reaction when you saw his (Gordon Gee) comments today?

Chris Del Conte: I sat back and just thought about our football program and our coach and realized that when they start throwing stones at our house, they must be jealous. We have a phenomenal football program. Our coach has done a great job, we were undefeated last year in the regular season and we are undefeated right now and someone now starts taking shots at TCU, that means we have arrived.

Secondly, I start to look at their non-conference schedule made up of the MAC schools whether it be Ohio, Eastern Michigan…I start to go wow, I had no idea that they were going out and testing themselves week in and week out.

Matt Mosley: You mean when you see Illinois and Northwestern get together you don’t get scared at the thought of having to play teams like that?

Chris Del Conte: It makes me quake in my boots, I know our coach is quaking, and I know the people of Ft. Worth are quaking.

Chris Del Conte: People that get entrenched in the old school system do not look at what’s happening in the landscape today. When Mr. Gee starts looking at what they play, I didn’t know Minnesota was a power, Indiana was power. Minnesota lost to a 1-AA team this year, Indiana got beat by 83. Anything can happen on any given Saturday.

Ian Fitsimmons: Will you be picking up the phone and calling Mr. Gene Smith up there the AD at Ohio State and see if you can get a home and home done?

Chris Del Conte: He is a dear friend of mine. You can count on it. Any time, any place, anywhere. Buckeyes against the Horned Frogs. Tee it up. Let’s go.

Chris Del Conte: A couple years ago the Mountain West had no respect. They (Utah) went and played Alabama and what did Utah do? They destroyed Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. We play great football it’s just that some people look at it and say hmm, who are they? When they get their teeth knocked in they go oh yeah, we know who they are now.

It was a great interview from Chris Del Conte and I recommend that you take a listen to the podcast because Del Conte had a lot more to say that I didn’t include above. Check out the full Podcast HERE.


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