Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I spent the evening watching the Dancing With the Stars finale and chatting with a good friend on Yahoo Messenger. It was a good evening. I am not going to go into my thoughts about the results of Dancing With the Stars. I already know that most people disagree with my thoughts on who should've won, and why, so I am not going to go into it anymore, but I did enjoy watching the show this season and stand by my opinions. . . :) And I wouldn't complain if Derek Hough or Mark Ballas (or both!) came to town and gave me personal dance lessons. :)

But in the most important piece of information...I just checked our thermometer, and it is -2 degrees outside. Baby, it's really, really, really cold outside! We should re-write the song to say something like that. I wonder how that would go over on the radio? "I simply can't stay" "But baby it's really, really, really cold outside" - or something like that. I think it could work. It will be the Northwestern version of that song. :) But I digress....

Anyway, it is time for bed. Today began Thanksgiving prep. I mixed up the Make Ahead Butterhorns and tomorrow I plan to make cranberry sauce. On Thursday is when the fun really happens! We are trying a new recipe for turkey this year, compliments of America's Test Kitchen, and I am eager to try it! We just have to figure out if we have a container large enough for brining our turkey, or if we should simply skip that step...any thoughts, cooks out there?

Good night!


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