Friday, November 5, 2010

Hear that?

That's the sound of relief. Relief that it's Friday and we made it. I don't know about you but this has been one heck of a week.

However, I did get these cute shoes yesterday and for just $10 bucks!

Boyfriend says they are the ugliest things he has ever seen. I love them though. That's what matters.

What really matters though is come 7pm today, we are hitting the road... Where you ask? HOME. OOoo the sweet sound of those words. I haven't been home in 5 months. My babies (nieces and nephews) are growing like weeds. My 2 year old niece can now say my name. She says "waysha" and it melts my heart. I am so excited.

Happy Friday!

Check out my guest post here for Simply Kate (click name)

Also, please excuse the mess around here, I am changing the blog header and everything up, so it might look funny and different for a few days.


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