Thursday, August 27, 2009

the Car Ride of Life

TugTug reminded me the other day that Life is one big long and bumpy car ride. It's exciting and fun and sometimes it makes us a little (or a lot) sick to our stomach. Even when we barf on the way to where we're trying to go, the trip is made easier with a friend or two to lean on.

So many emotions today - for Sweet Jasmine - for the butchered pit bulls of Philly and for their advocates. Trying to hang loose here and remember that the bumps in the road are all part of what makes this bittersweet journey so fascinating.

H/T to Dina for this news link outlining Philly's history on dog fighting convictions (not good): Pit Bulls in Pain

“It’s very, very rare for judges to give prison time for dogfighting in Philadelphia,” said George Bengal, the PSPCA Director of Law Enforcement. “It’s just not a priority here. Philly’s always been a Mecca of dogfighting, but after Vick it exploded,” said Bengal. “He’s an idol.”

And, to make a donation to Recycled Love in honor of Sweet Jasmine's life: LINK

Finally, a SLIDESHOW of Tug's car ride (barf scenes omitted). We know how you feel, little buddy. Boy, do we.


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