Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm Bored...

I am so bored with sports right now. I know, I know…The Rangers are fighting for a wild card spot and I should be excited, but I’m not. For one, I don’t care for baseball at all, so if the Rangers fail or succeed it doesn’t affect me either way. Second, they are going to end up missing the playoffs anyways. I just don’t have faith that they can put a run together, especially with the way they have been losing.

The Cowboys are still in preseason. Boring!!!! I think the NFL might have the most pointless preseason games of all the major sports. They really need to shorten it to two games.

The Horned Frogs don’t kick off for another couple weeks. I am really excited about that, but it doesn’t solve my boredom right now.

Still have a while for the Mavs to return.

The English Premier League just got their season underway, and I love watching their games. It’s just they come on at such weird times that I can’t fully enjoy it because I have to go to work or I have to record it. Im not a big fan of recording sporting events, but I do it all the time.

BallHype: hype it up!


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