Sunday, August 30, 2009

Here's a clip of Morning Musume, Yaguchi Mari, Tsuji Nozomi and Berryz Koubou's TV appearance on 24 Hr TV Show. They are singing "Dekkai Uchu ni Ai ga Aru" (old song from MM).

I'm not too sure about what 24 Hr Television is all about, and I'm not that good at explaining... but I'll try.. =P

"24 Hr Television", is a show that shows once a year in August. It is a TV program that was done for a Charity Campaign in Japan. Their copy line is "The real star, is you", and the show is usually mainly focused on the handy capped people, or people whose having difficulties, and it shows all these different challenges they take and tries to encourage people to know, or understand them better. The challenges they take are all different, but every year, aside from the handy capped people's challenges, they pick one healthy person to run 24 hours/100km marathon without having any break throughout the show. This year, it was Imoto Ayako, a comedian (the lady in the clip).
During those marathons, artist performs a song to cheer, and gives them support - which what MM, Yaguchi, Tsuji and Berryz were doing. People gets really moved by this show as you can imagine, and it's really big in Japan.

↓ Imoto ran 126.585 km in this show!! This is when she reached her goal XD



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