Friday, December 18, 2009

I have a bit more time, so I'll post something interesting to watch =D

Here is a vid of Maeda Yuuka when she was younger (2006) ↓ (no subs)

Basically, Yuukarin (Aoi-chan) and this other girl, Momo-chan are young idols, and Momo-chan's friend from her hometown came to see her. Knowing they're her friends, Yuukarin says, "Who are these people? Are these your friends? So, these OBVIOUSLY COUNTRY-SIDE LOOKING people are your friends, huh?" then she continues, "Well, I guess hanging around with those kinds of people suits you well". So then, Momo-chan replies firmly, "THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT MY FRIENDS!!" O_o!

Aaanyway, I thought it was somewhat interesting to see the "mean Yuukarin" =p I hope u guys found it interesting too. haha



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