Friday, December 18, 2009

pennies from heaven

When I was a little girl while walking with my daddy, if we saw a penny he would say to me -

"Princess; pennies come from heaven.
Angels toss them down.

(via google)

Sometimes just to cheer you up,
to make a smile out of your frown."

(via google)

Today while taking a walk
I happened to look down.
There a penny sat,
right on the ground.

(via my camera phone)

I looked up to the sky,
holding back the tears.
I whispered-
"Daddy, I'm so thankful,
that you're near,
It always reminds me,
that I have nothing to fear."

Next time don't pass by that penny,
when you're feeling blue.
It may be a penny from heaven
that your Angel's tossed down to you.

Have a good weekend everyone!!


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