Saturday, December 26, 2009

Greetings, Blog Visitors!

Did you forget about me?

I certainly did not forget about you, although it has been Christmastime, which means that it has been a busy time of year! But I am back, and I am going to *try* to be more consistent in my blog postings.
I had a greatly fun, but of course, busy, Christmastime this year. Thanksgiving came and went faster than I can say. On the day after Thanksgiving I went to the annual Coeur d'Alene Holiday Light Show, Parade & Fireworks. It was warmer this year than it has been during the past few years, so my toes and nose did not quite freeze off. I went with a group of friends this year and we had a blast watching the parade and then running to find the best spot for the fireworks. We ended up standing right behind the speakers so the amazing blend of Mannheim Steamroller and Trans-Siberian Orchestra that plays during the fireworks sounded (and felt!) particularly awesome.
This year some friends and I had a gingerbread house party and I hope this is something we can continue as an annual tradition. We decided to hot glue our houses together so we didn't have to wait so long before decorating them, and then we spent a few hours decorating them. Each house was unique and definitely fit the personality of the person making it.

I didn't have a lot of Christmas parties to go to this year, but I had other things to keep me busy. . .baking, decorating my room, wrapping presents, and all of the other activities that accompany this time of year. It was a fun, successful month. I made Springerles with my mom and learned how to make Stollen. On Thanksgiving I helped with the majority of our cooking and now that Christmas is over I can now say that I have made/majorly assisted with every aspect of a Turkey dinner.

Christmas day was yesterday. Only 364 days to go before it is Christmastime again. We had a nice relaxing Christmas day. Today I was feeling really exhausted so I relaxed and watched Sound of Music (one of my Christmas gifts) with my mom, including a lot of the special features. That was a nice way to spend the day.

Like I said, I will try to be more consistent with blog postings, and have a few more ideas for posts in my head that I will try to get up soon.

Have a great New Years!

P.S. The picture at the top of this post was taken at the bakery. I went to their Christmas party this year. We turned off all the lights and played hide & seek in the dark and decided at one point to see if I could actually fit to hide in a mixing bowl. Needless to say, I can. :) (Yes, we washed the bowl out afterwards!!!!)


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