Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Nice Bangs"

"Warning: Rasha should be watched at all times, in all places. Do not leave alone, longer than 10 minutes. The results may be hazardous."

That is in fact the label, I should of came with. Friday night, after taking my long and necessary bubble bath, I was looking at myself in the mirror. I thought to myself, "Ugh. My hair just looks so plain jane", a five letter word then popped in my head...


So, I reached for the scissors, that for some reason, were already conveniently in the bathroom, and snip snip snip... I gave myself some bangs. Soon after I was finished, another word came to my mind, this one instead being only 4 letters.


I was having one of those: "What the hell did I do moments". Why did I think it was smart to cut my own bangs? I can't even cut a paper line straight...

I walked out of the bathroom, and this is the conversation, I had with boyfriend:

"Nice bangs" -Boyfriend

"Why didn't you come check on me?! I had been in there longer than an hour! It was completely quiet." - Me

"Um, what happened?" - Boyfriend

"I cut my bangs!" - Me

"Obviously?" - Boyfriend

"You can't leave me alone more than 10 minutes! I will do something stupid like cut my bangs!" - Me

The following pics are the result of this insane/spur of the moment decision.

Side View:

Other Side View

Full View

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I am not sure if I love them or hate them. Friday night/Saturday I hated them. Sunday, I loved them. One thing I do know, is that I should NOT be left alone.

One a different note:

I am FINALLY done Christmas shopping!!!

Are you finished?

Also, I attempted to paint a snow man on my finger nails... he turned out cute, besides the fact his hat is weird and he has no eyes or nose, or mouth... haha


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