Monday, March 1, 2010

Sometimes: I cry when I have nothing to cry about.

Sometimes: I am silent, when I have everything to cry about.

Sometimes: I laugh when its inappropriate.

(via weheartit)

Sometimes: *every morning* I dance in my underwear, with blaring tunes, while getting ready.

Sometimes: I forget things.

Sometimes: My hair or make up doesn't get done.

Sometimes: I play dress up.

(via weheartit)

Sometimes: I pretend I'm a kid again.

Sometimes: I am mean to the person, thats is by my side, each and every day.

Always: can I stop, humble myself, be thankful for what I have & realize I am not perfect, and accept my faults.

(via weheartit)

I love my life, not because it is perfect.

but because it is REAL.

P.s. thank you all for the "get well" prayers. I am feeling a little better... Still a runny nose and it's pretty raw from blowing it, but starting to feel better. % thank you.



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