Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tonight for dinner, I made some delicious homemade tortilla chips & put some pork on them... they were soo good!

(whoops, I misspelled homemade on here)

The chips are flakey on the outside and delicious on the outside. Yum!! It's such a simple meal. I dont think it takes longer than 10 minutes total. You just cut a few tortillas, drop them in some hot oil, take them out a couple seconds later, and vola! Perfect chips. Then the pork, I decided to put on there and man it was good!

Dinner was perfect... MINUS me setting off the fire alarm.. It wasn't my fault, the oil creates lots of smoke!

I then made some chocolate chip cookies. Yum. *licks lips*

We like to make our cookies big, so that way you dont eat 7 in a row and look like a piggy. :)

I'm so glad Friday is here! I plan on date night $, lots of rest, some studying and tons of soaking up the sun! Enjoy yout weekend everyone!

P.s. Be sure to stop by Monday, I have a surprise!!!



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