Thursday, February 18, 2010

We meet up with some incredibly kind and generous people during our work. Here are three projects that deserve support...

The Photo Book Projects

Photographer Melissa McDaniel is hoping to raise 300K for animal groups around the country with the sale of her new photo book. Right now, when you pre-order her dog book, BAD RAP will receive 30% of the proceeds. That's incredible. We love what her eye saw with V-dog Hector and look forward to seeing the other dogs in her book. The Photo Book Projects On behalf of so many animals, thank you Melissa!

The Unexpected in Haiti

You may know that the good people at the Unexpected Pit Bull Calendar donate all of the profits from their calendar sales to pit bull focused organizations. Their generosity is helping us buy the kennels we need for our barn project. (bless you sweet people!) Now they want to extend their compassion to Haiti. From now through the end of February, they are using the last of their calendars to help the animals of Haiti...

"While we've been so fortunate this year, there are others who have not been so lucky. Among those facing hardships this year are the survivors of the earthquake in Haiti. We will be selling our surplus calendars - which we usually print for promotional purposes - to raise funds for the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH). In order to sell as many calendars as possible for this cause, we will offer them at $10 each. 100% of the proceeds from all calendar sales through the end of February, 2010 will be donated to ARCH." - from the Unexpected Pit Bull homepage

-- Get the Unexpected Pit Bull Calendar here.

Grassroots Compassion in Iran

A favorite BR adopter has been helping wayward dogs since before we met her, so we weren't surprised when she started reaching out to the one and only animal shelter in her native country of Iran.

Farah Ravon is headed back for another visit next month and is asking fellow dog lovers to help her help this country's critically under-resourced shelter. She's planning to bring two dogs back to waiting homes and is currently in great need of two 400 series vari-kennels for their flight. On her way out, she hopes to stuff those crates with things the shelter can use: dog toys, leashes, collars. And of course, they can always use monetary donations to buy the food and the s/n surgeries that are so desperately needed. Won't you please help her? She's one of the most generous people we know and this is certainly a deserving project. This compelling slideshow from the shelter makes me want to put my life on hold and dash out there to help...
Vafa Shelter
Here is the facebook page for Vafa's ongoing efforts - Vafa Facebook - so you can watch and see where your donations are going. Contact Farah about helping with a vari-kennel and/or gifts to the shelter. Thank you.

If your pockets are too lean at the moment, thank you for sending your good vibes and for sharing this blog post around to other animal lovers!


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