Friday, February 19, 2010

Gortat vs. Haywood...

Maverick fans were angry, mad, sad, and maybe a little all of the above this past summer when Orlando matched Dallas’ offer sheet for center Marcin Gortat. Gortat was going to bring much needed athleticism to the center position for the Mavs, but it was pulled right out from under them. Now that the Mavericks have acquired Brendan Haywood, I don’t even know if I remember who Marcin Gortat is. The Magic did Dallas a great favor by matching the offer this offseason, we just didn’t realize it until now.

Obviously Gortat is stuck behind Dwight Howard in Orlando, so the numbers compared between the two aren’t going to equal out, but I would much rather have Haywood on my team at this point. Haywood has much better size as a true seven footer, plus he has more experience and in my opinion, better athleticism.

I am only bringing all this up because the Mavs take on Orlando tonight at 7:00 and it really is crazy how things in the NBA work out. What if the Mavs had signed Gortat? Would they have a better record right now? Would they still have traded for Caron Butler? Who knows!! All I know is, I am happy about how things turned out, and am looking forward to this playoff push by the Mavs.


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