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Some things I've realized as of lately:
* I psych myself out FAR too much:
1) I have to double check my alarm 2-3 times before I can connivence myself it'll go off in the morning. (I was late to a midterm once, pretty much changed my whole life)
2) I have to have at least 3 pencils in my bag when I am taking an exam, "just in case" all of them have no lead? Yeaaa...
3) Even though I KNOW the study guide like the back of my hand, I will not stop studying, because hey, I might of forgotten something.
* The house gets extremely dirty when you are busy. I swear my carpet was once clean and that I actually had counter tops.
* Having a shopping addiction DOES come in handy. Example: Boyfriend is out of clean underwear because their is a pile of laundry the size of Mount Everest, but I can go a good 2-3 weeks more. Yes, having a shopping addiction IS good sometimes.

* Having 3 test in one week SUCKS. One down (pretty sure I did UHmazing). One today, one Thursday.
* When your "to-do list" for the day exceeds 20 things, that take 30 minutes to an hour (sometimes more) there is NO way they are all getting done. (Dang it, I hate unchecked boxes!)
* Lastly: Although I have so much chaos going on around me and so many things I need to be doing and so many of them I don't want to do. I love that I WANT to come to my blog and post. It's a great feeling.

Have a wonderful Hump Day. Think about me around 3:00pm and pray I do well on my sign test!
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