As reported by her dedicated foster mom, Daisy Mae is home for keeps. And it's a good thing since half of our group - including my husband - wanted to steal this monkey as their own!
We had the honor of driving Miss Daisy to her new people last week. (Left. Smiling the whole way during her car ride home.)
A homemade sign - "Welcome to Your Forever Home Daisy Darling" - greeted her at the door. Can you stand it? She walked in that house like she knew exactly where she was. She wagged like a maniac while inspecting every corner, loved up on her new people, then settled herself right into her waiting dog bed with a chew while we chatted at the kitchen table about all-things-pit bull. To be honest, I don't think she noticed much when we snuck out the door. She was perfectly, happily, forever home.
It's hard to believe that this personable little dog came off of a chain in Oklahoma just one year ago. She was swept up in the big seven state dog fighting raid and made Tim's acquaintance when he was in Okie-land, sorting out the darlings in need.
For old time's sake, check out her first video, filmed in the Claremore shelter that housed her. You can see her personality shining through even back when she was just a broken bust dog without a name. Keep your eye out for the teeny tiny brown puppy towards the end. That would be Vessa - another lucky BR alum.
Daisy's little body is one of the funkiest, most crooked bodies we've seen on a dog. She needed one knee surgery and may need another to help her get around. Foster parents Letti and Jamal get major kudos for their work with the special needs dogs they've fostered for BR. Her new home tells us that her health is one of the main reasons they knew she was theirs. They looked over all our dogs - fawned over would be a better word - then decided that Daisy was it. They adored her, and felt that she needed their TLC the most.
Jeanne and Neil are longtime pit bull lovers, having owned the breed for over 40 years. They showed us a lifetime of photos with their beloved dogs. We just love knowing that Daisy has found her place in their long line of cherished pets. She seems like she was always part of their family and in a very real way, she always has been.